Thursday 27 October 2011

Too much fruit?

Fruits are full of essential nutrients like most whole foods are, but is it possible to eat too much fruit?
Yes, you can eat too much fruit and have unwanted weight gains, but its pretty hard to over-eat with unprocessed fruits, its when you start discarding the skin and drinking fruit juices, that's when you will notice your clothes aren't as baggy as before.

Some people say fruits have "natural sugars" and that you cant gain weight from these sugars, but the truth is these sugars would be even worse than eating candy if it wasn't for the quality of the vitamins and minerals fruits, when fruits are juiced or peeled you lose all these great nutrients and are left with a sweet tasting sugar called fructose, which is released quickly and if it isn't used, it is then converted to fat, when you eat fruit whole the fiber and nutrients keep you feeling fuller for longer and help to slowly release the sugars, meaning you wont have a sugar high, then weight gain, you will have a steadier release and be able to use the energy.

Fruit has too many great nutrients to ignore, I would recommend eating fruit whole as a snack or an hour or two before a workout, complex carbohydrates are also important in a healthy diet.

A lot of foods can be overeaten, .just remember to take everything in moderation.

Anything Goes Diet : Click Here!

1 comment:

  1. I think you are right! Thanks for posting.

    Have you ever heard of the website:

    It's a great information source for healthy eating - anyway thought you might enjoy it!

    Again, thanks for posting!
