Saturday 1 October 2011

Super Foods

There are many claims that certain "Super Foods" can make you lose ridiculous amounts of weight in a short amount of time, but the truth is that no food can do that, but they can aid in weight loss slightly and every bit counts because a lot of small things make a big difference over time.

Some of my favourite "Super Foods" are Cinnamon, Curry or Turmeric, Tea and Cruciferous Vegetables such as broccoli or cauliflower. There are many real benefits of these spices and foods and the best thing is they can be found easily in a supermarket unlike other "Super Food" scams where the product has to be imported from some remote area where the food is grown, making it less accessible and much more costly, something from your spice rack could be much more beneficial to your health.

The Benefits of these foods are:
Cinnamon: Lowers LDL cholesterol, anti-inflammatory, increases metabolism, regulates blood sugar and insulin which reduces blood sugar spikes and reduces weight gain.

Curry/Turmeric: Helps in prevention of cancer, anti-inflammatory, aids in fat metabolism, naturally detoxifies the liver and is used in Chinese medicine as an anti-depressant.

Tea's: Increases metabolic rate, boosts mental alertness, boosts immune system, reduces stress, aids in weight loss, the list is almost endless for the benefits of drinking tea.

Cruciferous Vegetables: Lowers risk of cancer, protects the body against harmful molecules which can increase weight gain, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and they contain alot of vitamins and minerals.

Remember that spending money on expensive foods that claim make you lose weight is a waste of time and money, one food wont make very much difference, the best way to lose weight and stay healthy is to add up all the small things on top of a descent amount of exercise and you will be on your way to a long, healthy life.

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